Talent management

Talent management med Intenco

Employees and talent in focus

Talent Management means different things to different companies. In many cases, we refer to the entire HR life cycle when we talk about Talent Management; from attracting and recruiting the right employees, to creating conditions for retaining and developing them in the organization. In other cases when talking about Talent Management, it refers to the talent processes that are aimed toward employees where you see the highest potential for leading roles. Surprisingly often, the term Talent Management is something that companies don’t have an overall grasp of in their strategic Talent Management work.

We help our customers find their way in Talent Management work. We are convinced that there is no “one size fits all” when working with Talent Management. Each organization needs to find its’ own way based on strategic needs, challenges in the market, company culture and values. 

The challenges that we help our customers with looks different depending on where they are in their work. It can include taking a holistic approach and starting with defining vision and philosophy or, in other cases, getting a couple of individual building blocks in place that makes a big difference to where you are right now.

Examples of questions can be:

  • How do we identify talent and potential in our company?
  • What do we want to stand for?
  • How do we define critical roles and competencies needed in the future and how do we build
    role descriptions that include these?
  • How do we clarify the development opportunities available to our employees?
  • How do we go from talking about career ladders to illustrating that career journeys can look
  • How do we increase our understanding of what attracts the next generation of employees
    and how do we become attractive to them?
  • How do we connect our performance reviews to the longer-term development planning so
    that we get it to hang together?
  • How can we modernize our work with succession planning?
  • How do we secure succession to our critical roles? 

Can we support you with any of these questions? Get in touch with us!

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