Work Environment
Good work environment
At Intenco, we know good work environment. We help our customers to ensure that they are properly equipped to shoulder their work environment responsibility. We support in ensuring good reviewing routines, processes and organization around work environment issues, but also about raising the skills of HR and managers. We can also help quickly deal with a difficult situation that has arisen that requires an urgent investigation.
Are you looking for work environment training, a work environment investigation or tools to manage stress? Read more below and feel free to contact us for more information.
Work environment training for managers
The regulation on organizational and social work environment sets high demands on companies, and their managers, to work effectively with work environment issues through, among other things, clarity and dialogue. This is important to ensure a good working environment for the employees where they do not experience negative stress at work, but instead forms an environment where they feel better and perform better.
Our company-tailored training courses in Work environment for managers are extremely appreciated by our customers, and the participants have consistently given us the highest marks regarding content, layout and the level of knowledge of the course leaders. A CEO expressed his appreciation and said that it is really a pure leadership training, since a lot is about creating a clear and good dialogue between manager and employees, clarifying responsibilities and seeing the advantages of working actively with work environment issues.
The training is given in both Swedish and English, either as a full-day training or divided into two half-days.
The training is also available in an online version as two sessions of 3 hours each. We use Zoom, which makes it easy to maintain our interactive approach with a lot of discussion in small groups during the training. The online training is available in both Swedish and English.
Work Environment investigation
Intenco’s consultants can quickly conduct an independent investigation in situations where this is needed, for example linked to situations where bullying, violation, harassment or discrimination is suspected to have taken place. Several of our consultants are trained in the Norwegian method of fact-finding, which is a very good tool for these investigations.
Fact-finding is an evidence-based investigation method that is used when allegations of bullying and harassment occur in the workplace. The method is developed by two of Norway’s leading bullying researchers in collaboration with work environment agencies and labor market partners, which makes it unique in its kind.
In our investigative work, we describe the current situation in a way that clearly relates to work environment legislation and labor law. We use our solid competence in HR and practical work environment work in combination with our long experience of, and methodology for, complex investigative work.
“I have hired Intenco several times and always appreciated the personal and professional treatment of Intenco’s consultants. In a difficult personnel matter, Intenco helped with a work environment investigation where the fact-finding method was used. The entire investigation helped me as HR but above all the manager to see the whole situation clearly and without values and interpretations. With this background, we were able to make a much better decision than we would have done otherwise. Even the communication with the working group and the implementation of measures that were needed had the right effect. Intenco has a really sharp toolbox that makes a difference.” – HR manager Arnold Bergman, SH Bygg AB.
Stressmanagement and self-leadership
Stress is a widespread and increasing cause of ill-health in the workplace, which often leads to reduced productivity and impaired results. This problem needs to be handled from several different perspectives, but an important part of the preventive work is knowledge and training, for both employees and managers. At Intenco, we often carry out work environment training for managers and we have developed a couple of different trainings/programs to support you as an employer in giving your employees better conditions to handle today’s working life.
“Tools for stress management” is an in-depth program that extends over about two months in order to lead to lasting behavioral change in the individual. Through a combination of individual coaching and mindfulness exercises in the work group, we explore different methods to feel increased balance in everyday life.
“Develop your self-leadership” is a full-day training aimed at employees and managers and aims to give the individual tools for more sustainable efficiency at work, basic tools in mindfulness and knowledge in leading oneself.
Get in touch with Intenco if you are in need of in-depth knowledge of working environment and/or how to improve the working environment at your company.